Princeton Diversity PartnersPerformance, Innovation, Value


Our Team


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Pamela Anderson

Revenue forecasting & tax strategies; asset management, risk management; credit and financial analysis

Pamela Anderson

Business development; marketing and finance in both corporate and non-profit sectors. High-dollar negotiation; budgeting and capital planning; capital investment in small and mid-size businesses including transportation, container shipping port, educational facilities, and infrastructure.

John Bordeaux Ph.D.

Knowledge management; nat'l security; municipal & federal gov't systems

Leading voice in knowledge management & nat'l security.

John Bordeaux

Expertise in gov't & industry analytic techniques, organizational network analysis & audit methodologies. Experienced in social media strategy, managing complex organizational systems, as well as IT integration.

Karl Bortnick Ph.D.

Business technology solutions; homeland security; strategic planning; acc't, budgeting, collection systems; grant developm't

Karl Bortnick

Highly accomplished executive, manager & technologist who leverages human & capital resources to achieve business, project & systems objectives. Adviser to education & social service organizations with internat'l & local focus. Expertise in IT management.

Susan Brazer

Market development, product strategy; technology migration; media & consumer electronics.

Business development and

Susan Brazer

product strategy executive. Architects growth initiatives in emerging technologies. Facilitates strategic direction/decisions: new products/ services, lines-of-business, strategic alliances, ventures, markets, acquisitions.

Dale Caldwell

Executive policy management; homeland security; economics & urban enterprise zones; human resource operations

Dale Caldwell

Expertise in IT management & policy development in gov't & non-profit sectors. Exec. leadership positions in both public & private sectors. Oversees & involved in software dev. for improving human resource operations & business workflow.

Winnie Casaletto

Strategic sales and marketing; Gobal IT; telecommunications

Award winning executive management and leadership

Winnie Casaletto

roles in strategic sales and marketing for global information technology consulting firms; excels in team building, mentoring and collaboration. Expertise in business development

Stephanie “Stevie” Davidson

Electronic health records management; practice management; QI; customer relations; training

Nat'l expert in the emerging

Stephanie Davidson

field of health IT; experience in internat'l software deployment, training, & customer relationship mng't; focus on improving the clinical quality & business performance of healthcare organizations; deployed corporate standards & performed internal audits to support quality process conformance.

Richard Davis

Business reengineering; disaster risk & contingency planning; information engineering; business process redesign

Expertise in organization transformation, requirements documentation, feasibility studies, business reengineering, information strategy planning, business process redesign & dev. Experienced with federal, state & local gov'ts; also with pharmaceutical, insurance, & manufacturing industries.

Benjamin Gyepi-Garbrah, II

Strategic business development solutions in finance; project life cycle development; worldwide emerging markets

Benjamin Gyepi-Garbrah, II

Experience in project mng't, finance, & business dev. working with the worlds leading financial institutions in the United States & Europe. Adept in developing project life cycles for numerous projects.

Gloria Hall

Management of information systems; database technology; SAP systems; training

Expertise in information

technology industry with a focus on database technology, SAP systems & methodology, as well as world class end user & functional training. Executive manager in higher education field; experienced with Fortune 500s, as well as state & local gov't.

Eric Kutner

Homeland security; emergency communications;
business development

Strengths in business dev.

Eric Kutner

& strategic planning, specifically on security-related issues. Recent work with companies in technology disciplines, including digital media, IT, & biotechnology; also, with the health care, homeland security, sports & entertainment, & non-profit sectors.

Robert LeGrande II

Enterprise IT; broadband wireless; interoperability of communications; software engineering

Exec. level leadership & senior

Robert LeGrande II

program mng't for Washington, D.C.. Brought best technology solutions available to help their agencies deliver better human services, public safety & emergency response; this includes the nation’s first city-wide broadband wireless network for first responders.

John L. Mack

International telecommunication policy & development; information & communication technologies; city-wide wireless broadband.

John L. Mack

Internat’l expert in technology; worldwide city planning; degree from MIT; Former U.S. State Department Director, Africa and Middle East Telecomm Trade and Development Policy; team leader of policy and tech initiatives in Senegal, Kenya, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon; involved with Digital Freedom Initiative, National Science Foundation, USAID, NREN. Managing Director, WorldSpace Africa.

Brad Neilley

Expert in solar, wind, & clean water technology; business leadership and development

Executive experience in

Brad Neilley

environment, health, safety, sustainability. Leads global projects in environmental technology. Executive with Fortune 500 companies; former world-wide vice president at Johnson & Johnson.

Frank O’Roark

Medicaid, Medicare, health plan insurance programs; HIPAA implementations

Expert in healthcare systems; fiscal intermediary operating

Frank O’Roark

systems. Executive management experience, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association in Medicare operations; HCFA. Leader in HIPAA implementation efforts, security and privacy implementation and compliance efforts.

Ronald Plummer

Public safety, goverment systems; VoIP systems; telecommunications; global & enterprise networks; disaster recovery ops

Ronald Plummer

Expertise in developing & deploying highly reliable & secure enterprise level distributed software environments, broadband networks, VoIP systems, & business continuity/disaster recovery operations. Highly experienced in technical project mng't & production mng't.

Vasu Ranganathan

Strategic management; IT solutions development & delivery; operations management

Expertise in business strategy

Vasu Ranganathan

& IT planning; strategic solutions development, business development, vendor partnership management & solutions delivery; highly experienced in product development life cycle. Senior management with IT & global life sciences organizations.

Patrice Samara

Strategic communications; marketing; international events facilitation

Emmy award winner involved in electronic communications

Patrice Samara

& multimedia production, as well as event organization on a global level. Focused on education & mentoring efforts worldwide. Creator of the Good Housekeeping Children’s Learning Series & produced programming for Sesame Street.

Arvind Shah

Business process management; enterprise architecture; change management; data administration

Arvind Shah

Broad experience with virtually all facets of business & gov't in wide range of applications. Principal focus on the business & managerial aspects of Information Technology. Expertise in decision support systems & data warehousing. Delivered mng't & professional seminars in US, Canada, Europe, Asia & South America.

Anna Domurat Thomas

Public relations; grant developement; visual communications; strategic planning

Highly experienced in

Anna Domurat Thomas

government communications & program development; senior level positions in state government for strategic planning, web communications management, & grant development; focus on areas of IT, social services, healthcare, volunteerism, & the arts.

Sage Thompson

Communication; multimedia production; web applications & development

Specializes in graphic design & website development; audio,

Sage Thompson

video & print production; experienced in branding & logo development, Flash animations, illustrations, & interactive production.

Tom Thompson

Project planning; writing, editing & producing; communication development

Expertise in pharmaceutical

Tom Thompson

industry. Extensive experience in webcasting, video & audio production & web publishing, magazine writing, editing, & technology planning; website development & video/audio messaging. Video production in Europe, South Africa, Brazil, Japan and New Zealand.

Terry B Young Jr.

Info Strategy and Arch; Enterprise Data Mgt (MDM & Bus Intel); Resource Planning (ERP)

Top Honors for integration of

Terry B Young Jr.

enterprise applications. ITIL and Six Sigma Belt Belt certified. Published technology and process patents for his design of the Electronic Markets Business Interchange; Managed startups; Worked Raytheon, J & J, Merck, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte and Zeneca/ICI.







Princeton Diversity Partners

Princeton Diversity Partners, LLC
44 Tar Heels Road, Mercerville, NJ 08619
Tel: 609.577.0048



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