Princeton Diversity PartnersPerformance, Innovation, Value

SECTION :    SERVICES   /   Solutions   /   Program & Project Management


Program & Project Management

Organizations face a host of challenges to ensure that programs and projects yield expected results. Coordinating activities amidst competing priorities and adhering to aggressive timelines while remaining within budget and without scope creep, can be an artistic balance. This balance becomes increasingly complex when compounded by the demands for transparent stakeholder communication and appropriate controls to manage issues.



Solution Overview

The right combination of experience, leadership, methods and tools forms the cornerstone of a successful program or project. PDP's team of skilled consultants brings these qualities to our clients. Our suite of offerings meets the full range of project management needs, from provisioning qualified individuals to lead a targeted initiative, to creating a project management institution supported by best-in-class IT applications and process tools:


  • PMO Design and Implementation: PDP promotes a holistic approach to PMO development. From strategy and concept to launch, PDP develops and implements supporting processes, tools, and PM software applications.
  • PM Methodology Design: PDP creates customized procedures, guidelines, templates, and tools to implement repeatable, standardized processes.
  • PM Software Selection and Implementation: PDP provides advisement throughout the selection and implementation process for PM Software Applications. Analysis includes cost/benefits, risks/recommendations and facilitation services. PDP's team of knowledgeable resources is experienced in supporting installation, configuration, and organizational change needs using Microsoft Project Server, SharePoint, and CA Clarity.
  • Program/Project Management Staffing: PDP provides experienced, flexible resources to support specific project or program management needs. We offer seasoned project managers, many of whom hold the Project Management Professional (PMP) designation, as well as PM support specialists to meet your specific needs.


Solution Methodology

PDP's approach to program and project management is grounded in industry standard Project Management Institute (PMI) principles, methods and tools. Our methodologies draw on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) 3rd Edition to achieve:


  • Standardization: Driving consistency in processes and solutions across the enterprise to facilitate repeatable success in a dynamic environment
  • Effectiveness: Ensuring that IT and other project-based solutions are delivered in the most timely and cost-effective manner possible, with appropriate quality control measures
  • Efficiency: Eliminating redundancies and delays, fixing broken “hand-off” points and streamlining process bottlenecks
  • Visibility and Communications: Providing near real-time visibility into individual projects, along with appropriate roll-up and exception reporting that varies by level and department
  • Coordination: Maintaining awareness of all key interdependencies between projects and operating units; providing resource leveling (e.g., skills, knowledge, availability) across projects






Princeton Diversity Partners

Princeton Diversity Partners, LLC
44 Tar Heels Road, Mercerville, NJ 08619
Tel: 609.577.0048



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